Learn 20 rules of bodybuilding and fitness

1. Weight lifting exercises can strengthen strength, increase muscle volume, and describe muscle lines

A common misconception is that different training methods must be used to achieve these goals. In fact, if you use multiple groups of 8 to 15 exercises per group, each group is exhausted, and constantly adjusting to increase the weight, you can achieve three goals at the same time.

2. Adequate drinking water helps improve athletic performance

Studies have shown that 10% of body water loss can lead to 30% of the decline in exercise capacity. Don't let this happen to you!

3. Do not rely on supplements to ensure nutrition

Nutritional supplements can only be used as a supplement to a healthy diet. If you use them as a major source of nutrient intake, you will spend a lot of money on the one hand, and fitness programs on the other hand are prone to mistakes.

4. Fat is not an enemy

In today’s “lipsticking” era, many people are overly concerned about fat intake. In fact, you should be careful not to consume too much saturated fat, and healthy fats (Omega-3, Omega-6, flaxseed oil, etc.) should be taken daily. Of course, you need to calculate the calories contained in fat within the diet plan.

5. Carbohydrates are not the enemy

If you are on a low sugar diet, you may not feel good. Carbohydrates are the only energy the brain can use, and muscle movement needs enough carbohydrate energy.

6. Carbohydrates are not the culprit of obesity

Regardless of advertising, carbohydrates do not make you fat, and excess calories are the source of fat gain. If you take part in exercise and don't overeat, you can eat lots of carbohydrates and not gain weight.

7. Protein is important, but it cannot be excessive

Superstitious beliefs about protein are another cause of low-carbohydrate diets. Although protein is crucial for the repair of muscles, excessive intake can interfere with the digestive process and increase the burden on the kidneys, and it is an inefficient source of energy.

8. Strength exercises are the best way to exercise

If you only exercise 3 times a week, then weight training is the best option. As long as the training intensity is appropriate, and the load is continuously increased, you can achieve the goal of increasing muscles, maintaining a high body metabolic rate, consuming fat and improving aerobic capacity (but to a limited degree). Only running can effectively enhance aerobic metabolism, but it does not have much effect on muscle improvement.

9. Multi-vitamins to ensure nutritional control

Although nutritional supplements are not a substitute for a healthy diet, taking one capsule of multivitamin daily can ensure that the body needs a variety of nutrients.

10. Let the muscles get three ways of exercise

There are three types of muscle contraction: shorten muscle length, lengthen muscle fibers, and maintain length (in the case of weight-bearing). During exercise, you should allow the muscles to experience all three of these contractions and complete the exercises with slow and controlled movements.

11. Use heavy weight exercises but ensure the quality of movement

Because the use of too much weight and the loss of control of the action is not desirable, but you should still use the heaviest load in the training to complete the number of groups and the number of plans. This usually means that one group is exhausted 8 to 12 times. If you can't finish 8 times under the premise of correct action, you should reduce the weight. If you do 12 more time, you should increase it.

12. A small amount of weight is also effective

It is usually weighted at least 5 to 10 pounds (2.4 to 4.5 kg) on ​​barbells or instruments. The latest research shows that 0.5 to 1 pound aggravation can also help you to overcome the growth platform and make progress without knowing it.

13. Group 3 is better than Group 1

There is a lot of controversy about whether one group of exercises can increase muscles, but practice shows that group 1 is not enough, and group 1 has two groups of warm-ups and has been repeatedly proven to be effective.

14. Attention to the signs of overtraining

Often feels muscle soreness and fatigue, training enthusiasm fades, loss of appetite, poor sleep, these are over-trained physical reactions. You should be alert to this, reduce the amount of exercise and allow the body to recover.

15. Aerobic exercise is an excellent investment

Except in the case mentioned in item 8, no one should ignore aerobic exercise. It not only enhances cardiopulmonary function, but also improves blood circulation and blood vessels in muscles (good for muscle growth) while feeling good.

16. Do it by saying

Well begun is half done. If you can persuade yourself to go to the gym, you will always do useful exercises. Canceling a planned exercise will often be the beginning of a stop exercise.

17. It is also effective to exercise at home

The key to exercise is self-consciousness. If you have a desire to improve your physical condition, you can exercise anywhere. Home exercise methods are very popular nowadays.

18. Exercise partners are helpful

Whether at home or in the gym, a partner can help you a lot. He can provide you with security protection, make you feel more at ease, but also add fun and motivation for your exercise.

20. Once started, persist forever

It is never too late to start exercising at any time. Don't give up once you start.

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