Chinese ceramics and traditional natural packaging

1. Ceramic Packaging Ceramics have a long history in China, in natural ceramics, there are also synthetic composite ceramics, such as shells, pearls, agate and so on.
We have an area of ​​9.6 million square kilometers. With the declining land resources, can our eyes turn to the sea? Its resources are very rich, but it has not been successfully developed in large quantities. If this project is promoted, it will be a new science and technology. Applying it to the packaging also meets the elegance and simplicity. Many biological materials such as bones, shells, coral reefs, etc. are composite materials and have excellent mechanical properties, especially high toughness. And its excellent performance is guaranteed by a special structure.
Most ceramic materials in China are modeled on this structure. Because ceramic materials have the characteristics of high strength, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, and wear resistance, they have been rapidly developed in many high-tech fields. Here it is used as a component and as a protective layer. Here we will look forward to using it as some of the structural components of the prospects and advantages.
The engine is the soul of the car. In order to prevent its oxidation, the traditional practice is to paint on it as a protective layer, and when it works, the heat is high, so that certain metals can easily undergo structural changes at high temperatures, so have to use a huge cooling system. If a ceramic material is used as a protective layer, because of its high temperature resistance, the mechanical structure can be reduced, the weight can be greatly reduced, and the engine damage can be avoided because the temperature in certain parts is not easily reached to the limit.
With the development of multiphase ceramics, the production process has also become more mature and perfect. We put this on the market and it is undoubtedly a new measure. Its value and taste are of a very high standard. At the same time, we shift our attention to the massive development of ocean and lake resources, which reduces our sense of crisis for our survival.
2. Natural packaging material here mainly refers to bamboo. In packaging, it has also been gradually developed and used by people. Bamboo packaging, people mainly use it as a building material. In Yangzhou, it has been generally accepted and favored. This kind of product with unique craftsmanship is rather worthy of art appreciation. If we turn fragmented small-scale production into large-scale and collectivized production, it will inevitably produce incalculable economic benefits.
A kind of Hsinchu, because of its good toughness, can be described in a variety of shapes, patterns, low cost, thickness can also be controlled, with good hardness. This kind of packaging product should have strong competitiveness.

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Heat Seal Bag,Fish Food Bag,Fish Feed Bag,Fish Food Packaging