Shijiazhuang Taihang Film Set Pharmaceutical Factory

Shijiazhuang City Taihang Film Set Pharmaceutical Factory is a professional manufacturer of developing and fixing fluids for flushing film. It has a complete product range, advanced technology, strong force, high quality, scientific process flow, advanced detection equipment, and a large market sales network. Level of service team.

On the basis of stable quality, after years of unremitting research and development, our factory extracts the best of foreign advanced products, and rely on its own science and technology, advanced testing equipment and system of modern enterprise management, so that all kinds of performance and indicators of products can be fully achieved. International level. Among them, the production of international standards for the use of printing plate for the Taihang brand TH-111 high-temperature rapid developer, fixer, and the international level of the Taihang brand TH-602 high-performance newspaper-type fountain solution, stable quality, good performance, is The imported kits and replacement products for water fountains have been sold to 28 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions across the country and have been well received by users.

Shijiazhuang Taihang Film Set Medicine Factory Product Price List Name Use Method of Preparation Packaging (barrel/box) Unit (tax included)
The international standard TH-111 high-temperature rapid developing solution is suitable for rinsing all kinds of imported and domestic electric slicing films, laser photo film, 5 litres/barrel for light and dark room copy, and 15 liters for use (1:2) 3 98.00 yuan/barrel. The standard TH-111 high temperature fast fixer is suitable for flushing all kinds of imported and domestic electric sheets, laser photo film, 5 litres/barrel for bright and dark room copy, 25 liters for use (1:4) 3 95.00 yuan/barrel
TH-211 high-temperature rapid developing solution is suitable for rinsing all kinds of imported and domestic electric slicing films, laser photographic film, 5 litres/barrel in bright and darkroom copying film, and prepared for 25 liters (1:4) 3 85.00 yuan/barrel.
TH-211 high-temperature rapid fixer is suitable for flushing all kinds of imported and domestic electric sheets, laser photo film, 5 litres/barrel for bright and darkroom copy, and prepared for 25 liters (1:4) 3 95.24 yuan/barrel.
TH-222 high-temperature rapid fixer is suitable for flushing all kinds of imported and domestic electric sheets, laser photo film, 5 liters/barrel in bright and dark room, and prepared for 15 liters (1:2) 3 65.00 yuan/barrel.
TH-222 high-temperature rapid fixer is suitable for flushing all kinds of imported and domestic electric sheets, laser photo film, 6 litres/barrel in bright and dark room, and prepared for 18 liters (1:2) 3 75.24 yuan/barrel.
TH-111 high-temperature rapid developing solution is suitable for rinsing all kinds of imported and domestic electric slicing films, laser photographic film, 5 liter/barrel in bright and dark room, and prepared for 3 75.24 yuan/barrel.
TH-111 high-temperature fast fixer is suitable for flushing all kinds of imported and domestic electric sheets, laser photo film, 6 litres/barrel for bright and darkroom copy, and 36 liters for 3 115.62 yuan/barrel international standard TH-601 high performance The press-type fountain solution is suitable for all printing machine water supply systems, such as: imported four-color printing press continuous water supply system (alcoholic water roller), water velvety printing, two-sided printing press, press rotation machine, rubber wheel printing machine and so on. The water quality adjustment ratio is between 1.5% (soft water) and 3% (hard water), and the pH is between 5.0 and 5.5. 3 (5 L / barrel) 150 yuan / barrel international level TH-602 high performance Ink type fountain solution is mainly used for offset printing newspaper presses. The water quality adjustment ratio is between 1.5% (soft water) and 3% (hard water), and the pH is between 5.0 and 5.5. 3 (5 L/barrel) 140 RMB/barrel automatic punching machine cleaning agent Suitable for cleaning various automatic punching machine's working tank and roller 1L/barrel, working fluid 30L 10 48.00 RMB/barrel
PS version of the developer is suitable for washing all kinds of PS plate punch 1:6, hand 1:75 liters / barrel, the preparation of working fluid 35 liters 3 40.00 yuan / barrel
The PS version of developer powder is suitable for manual development. Temperature: 25°C to 30°C; developing time: (1.5 to 2) minutes. Each bag is formulated with a working fluid of 30 liters 25 8.50 yuan/bag
TH-200 black and white photo paper developer is suitable for flushing Lekai SHP series black and white photo paper and other similar black and white photo paper and ID photo paper. 5 litres/barrel, formulated working fluid 40 liters 3 125 yuan/barrel
TH-200 black and white film developer is suitable for flushing Lekai SHP series black and white film and other similar black and white film. 5 l/barrel, formulated working fluid 50 liters 3 125 yuan/barrel
TH-200 Black and White Photo Paper Film Fixer This fixer is a fast general purpose film fixer, known for flushing black and white photo paper and black and white film. 5 litres/barrel, preparation of working fluid 5 liters 3 108.5 yuan / barrel of high-contrast developer powder is suitable for washing homemade electric slice, laser photo film, bright and dark room copy sheet preparation of working fluid per bag 5 liters 20 bags 10.00 yuan / bag acidity Hard film fixing powder is suitable for flushing domestic electric film, laser photo film, bright and dark room copy sheet, and working fluid for each bag of 5 liters 20 bags of 10.00 yuan/bag Factory address: No. 1063 Xinhua Road, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province

Zip code: 050081

Director: Prince Jie

Sales Section Tel: (0311) 36027973602004

Fax: (0311)3602795

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