Naked fitness seven major benefits of action standards for local weight loss


Can you imagine that men and women in the gym are naked and doing sports? A fitness center in the Dutch town of Hertland hosts a nude Sunday event once a week, giving members the opportunity to go to the gym naked.

According to reports, the owner of the nude gym, Deman, said that his two customers are very active nudists and gave him new inspiration. He heard that some fitness centers use pole dancing as a fitness class, so I want to give Some new tricks in the fitness market. After the launch of this event, consumers reacted differently. The Dutch Celestial Sports Federation with up to 70,000 members in the Netherlands was very curious about this program and wondered if the plan would succeed. Because of the secret investigation conducted by the association, most nudists still like to go outdoors to participate in activities.


Deman said that after the announcement of the nude Sunday program, customers asked if it was safe and secure. Deman said that naked members must lay towels on the weightlifting machine and sit on the disposable chair cover when riding the exercise bike. The staff will thoroughly disinfect the fitness equipment every day.

Nude fitness is a form of fitness. Nude fitness originated more than 2,000 years ago. So why does nude fitness attract so many fitness people ? Let us introduce the benefits of naked fitness.


First: look at the action - more standard

Whether you are doing equipment, practicing yoga or aerobics, without the shadow of your clothes, you can easily see if your arms are stretched and your body is standing upright.

Second: look at the body - more demanding

Clearly and truly seeing your body can motivate yourself to increase your exercise and not easily slack off.

Third: see the effect - more direct

If you insist on exercising for a long time, you will see that the loose parts of the body are tightening. Maybe your weight has not changed, but through the muscles you exercise, you can feel the subtle changes in the body.

Fourth: look at metabolism - faster

When you are naked, the temperature of the body surface is more likely to change. Especially in a warm environment, the blood circulation is more likely to accelerate, and it can promote the body's metabolism.

Fifth: look at the comparison results - healthier

Not wearing clothes reduces the restraint of the clothes on the body, and the movements are also lighter, and relatively standard, which reduces the possibility of sports injuries to a greater extent.

Sixth: look at the weight loss process - more exciting

Naked people generally have a higher level of love for the body, and they have a stronger sense of weight loss, and they are more likely to invest in the weight loss process.

Seventh: more suitable for local weight loss

When you are naked, you can find out which part of your body is fat again. You should lose weight, and accurately observe and grasp the part that needs to lose weight during exercise.

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