Digital Image Processing II

Need to understand the terms

Vector graphics - A graphic file that can be arbitrarily scaled without loss of detail.

Bitmap Image - An image file stored in pixel or dot format.

Raster Image Processor - A hardware-software device that converts a graphic file into a series of points for output.

Resolution - also known as resolution, the number of pixels per unit length, the common unit is dpi (pixels/inch).

Third, digital image reproduction method

Different technologies can be used to produce digital images on a wide-format output device. Liquid ink jet technology, electrostatic technology, solid ink jet technology, thermal conversion technology, and photographic technology are some of the major technologies used today.

Here are some general introductions to several technologies:

Inkjet technology

As needed, the ink is forced to drop onto the medium that needs to produce the image by applying pressure.

Continuity - The ink continuously forms a jet of ink droplets under pressure and is ejected onto the medium where the image needs to be formed.

Thermal Effect - Bubbles form at the nozzle opening. The bubble pressure pushes the ink droplets onto the media.

Solid ink - The ink is stored in solid form, melted when needed, and printed on the media in a manner similar to liquid ink jetting.

Heat-sensitive wax or thermal resin conversion technology

Waxes or resins are used in film carriers, usually in the form of rollers. The wax or resin is transferred onto the media by heating, and each color must be separately transferred.

Dye Sublimation Technology

Similar to the thermal conversion technique, when the controlled heat source heats up, the dye-sublimation dye is evaporated from the carrier roll onto the medium.

Electrostatic technology

The electrostatically charged image on special media, electrostatically attracts colored particles to form a color image, and the images printed by typical electrostatic printers are separated by each color.

Atomized sputtering

Separately placed color ink is sprayed directly onto the media through the nozzle.

Digital images can be applied to paper media, vinyl film media, fabrics, plastics, and many other materials. The most suitable output devices and media can be selected as needed.

Fourth, post-processing

The use of special media, ink, or roll-imaged images are all able to withstand the effects of the sun and changes in daily weather conditions. Similarly, stickers also provide opportunities for digital images to be used to prepare surfaces for objects. You can see digital images on any decorative surface of a bus, airplane, building, ceramics, knitwear, etc.

Digital image technology is changing the way we handle images. It has many advantages:

When it comes to visual information exchange, digital images change the habits. A few years ago, the cost, color, format, and print cycle were four major challenges faced by large format image demanders. Now that digital technology has successfully entered the role, the production of large-format images is more convenient and practical than ever before.

Here's how digital image technology breaks through these four major challenges:

Cost - The cost of digital proofing or preprinting is significantly lower than traditional proofs, making the price of short live and single proofs for producing full-color images within an acceptable range.

Color - For many projects, traditional proofing is simply too expensive, and digital images are a color processing process that eliminates expensive proofing steps.

Size - Digital image technology can actually handle any size of image, the existing output device can be from a few inches to more than 60 feet wide, for larger images can be completed using a piece-by-piece method.

Print cycle - Digital image processing is an automated process that can quickly operate and change images. Digital image technology can be used to instantly modify image content and textual information.

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