Return to nature, packaging becomes easier

Think about it. When you stand in front of a dazzling array of shelves, what is your choice? Will it be the "face value" of the package ?

In fact, packaging is not just as simple as attracting your attention. In addition to those natural products that don't need much packaging, if you need to "use" a thing, you can't wrap it around. To pick up, put down, open, and put together, we are dealing with all kinds of product packaging every day.

Picture from: pinterest

For the designer, how a package is designed and produced naturally has its own secrets. Good packaging is not just good-looking, fashionable, and cool. It must meet the needs of consumers, and at the same time convey the brand's beliefs and values.

Well, behind those good designs, its designers are thinking about something.

Return to nature, packaging becomes easier

For packaging design, the trend of minimalism is no longer a fresh concept, and you can see some clues from Pentawards' annual list of winners—they are either fun, elegant, or simple.

However, minimalist packaging is not an easy task. Its simplicity and strength lie in the highly refined essence of the brand. It is a simple and effective way of interaction. It is also a test for designers.

According to Christophe Pradere, artistic director and co-founder of ETC Water's designer, France's BETC, water itself is an interesting product. It is colorless and tasteless, but it can still be sold very expensively.

"Evian's brand and packaging are emphasizing that this is water. When you grab the bottle, you grab water, which is the essence of nature." He believes that food is also emphasizing the essence, "in stressed Your own taste, formula, emphasizing what the essence of what you really bought is."

In March of last year, Evian brought together mineral water, fruits and plants for the first time, introducing Fruits & Plants natural fruity water, and recruited BETC for design. The bottle of water is designed to be in the shape of water droplets. It has a bright color that blends with the juice. The bottle has a simple fruit pattern that refers to taste. They are like three peaks and it is easy to match it with Evian's original logo is linked.

This fruity water design incorporates new elements while continuing Evian's “pure” sense. Through packaging, you can clearly know exactly what it is selling, and Praderre emphasizes “essentialism”. It has been fully demonstrated here.


Picture from: BETC design

"To do things with less materials and better resources is a current trend." Peng Chong, the artistic director of Pinzan Design, said to Curiosity Daily.

In 2014, he won the Pentawards food category platinum award for his design of organic rice made by Qian·s Gift. This work rejects the addition of any industrial elements. The paper it uses comes from handmade paper made by local people in Guizhou. The dyes used in printing are also vegetable dyes.

Emphasizing the simplification of packaging and environmental protection is particularly prominent in the rather particular context of China's liquor industry. Peng Chong’s last Pentawards-winning work, the Maotai-style liquor packaging designed for Zhai Zhizong in 2013 was seen as a reaction to the liquor industry’s dramatic transformation – the previous products that cost as much as 60%. The complicated design that costs to make packaging and make liquor look expensive will no longer be popular, and simplifying packaging has become a new idea.

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