Method for increasing time limit of aluminum alloy protective film

Abstract: Aluminum alloy protective film is a kind of protective material for aluminum alloy outer periphery, and it has a certain material to maintain the long-term use of protective film. However, after investigation, aluminum alloys will be damaged in less than one year after installation. Many home aluminum alloy protective films are not used for a long time and have not played a long-term protective role. Under normal circumstances, the protective film can be used for more than 3 years, so we can properly improve the durability of the aluminum alloy protection touch, and how to do it?

Aluminium alloy protective film is a kind of protective material for the outer periphery of aluminum alloy. It has a certain material to maintain the protective film's long-term use. However, after investigation, aluminum alloys will be damaged in less than one year after installation. Many home aluminum alloy protective films are not used for a long time and have not played a long-term protective role. Under normal circumstances, the protective film can be used for more than 3 years, so we can properly improve the durability of the aluminum alloy protection touch, and how to do it?
According to our Shenzhen protective film "href="http://">Yichuan Protective Film Co., Ltd. found that the protective film can not be used for a long time due to the following reasons:
1. Man-made destruction basically mentions the following types of vandalism: it is destroyed and self-destructed during transportation and installation. Because it is easy to damage the protective film during manual transportation and installation. Then, after the installation, the protective film is unintentionally or intentionally damaged. However, the above situations are relatively rare.
2. The influence of the environmental climate on the environmental climate may be caused by overheated outside temperatures or frequent rains. Of course there is room environment, such as soot, will have a certain impact on the aluminum alloy protective film.
3, the quality of the protective film The quality of the protective film is also an important factor affecting the long-term use of the protective film. Some protective films didn't last long like a rot. Therefore, we must choose a good manufacturer when purchasing aluminum protective film.
Therefore, we can conclude that in order to increase the durability of aluminum alloy protective film, the following points must be made:
1, to avoid damage to the appearance of the protective film During the installation process, the installer is required to not damage the protective film, and require family members not to damage the protective film.
2. Clean the protective film from time to time The protective film can be cleaned when there is dirt on the protective film. After the rain, the water can be wiped off.
3, choose the regular manufacturers to buy the purchase of aluminum alloy protective film must choose the regular manufacturers, there must be quality assurance, so that the quality of the protective film can be guaranteed.
The above method is to improve the durability of aluminum alloy protective film.